
Friday 29 September 2017

Creative Writing

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Drugs shouldn’t be allowed in Sports?

Drugs shouldn’t be allowed in sports. It causes people to increase their skills but also can have bad side-effects, people can become addicted to the drug they are taking, and if someone who isn’t taking it would have fewer chances since all the other people senses will be increased by the drugs.

Yes, it increases the skill level of the contestants that are participating in the sport, eg. Athletics. But when people take the drugs they can have side-effects. They use Anabolic Steroids, Erythropoietin, and more. The side-effects of some of those are vomiting, skin rash, Hair loss, Liver, Kidney and Heart Disease, and more.
People can get addicted to these Drugs the same as getting addicted to Cigarettes. If you are addicted to Anabolic Steroids it could result in loss of appetite, mood swings, depression and more. Sometimes the depression leads to suicide attempts.

When you use Anabolic Steroids it increases your muscle mass and strength. That is unfair for others who are not using drugs that enhance their skills and are using the skills they trained and we born with.

That is why Drugs shouldn’t be allowed in Sports. Because it can have bad side-effects, people can become addicted to the drug they are taking, and if someone who isn’t taking it would have fewer chances since all the other people senses will be increased by the drugs.

Thursday 7 September 2017

English - Scuba Diving in Fiji

Image result for fiji plantation island diving
Scuba Diving in Fiji

I was sitting on the edge of the boat, ready to throw myself back into the unknown. Ready to face a big challenge. I could see the vast, blue ocean stretched out in front of me. I was waiting for the sign to go. I was shaking, letting my thoughts get to me, about every bad thing that could happen. On a boat full of Fijian professional Scuba instructors, I could hear the wave crashing against the boat making it sway from side to side with the mumbling of the Fijian trying to tell us what to do when we are in the water.
I thought about it, what if I landed on a fish or there is a shark in the water or a sting ray. I was shaking, worrying about what I had got myself into. I felt the water splashing up against my face as I sat looking into the water praying nothing bad happens.

I put the regulator in my mouth and breathed in the compressed air which tastes funny. I was sitting about to fall in breathing heavily into the regulator looking at the instructor telling me what to do. I thought of backing out but I knew if I did I would regret straight away, missing out on a once in a lifetime view of the underwater life, I told myself I would do it.

Splash! I hit the water with a thud, I panicked and stop breathing for a moment, looking around to see where I was. My heart was beating as fast as lightning. I could see for over 30 metres ahead of me in the distance colours flashing past each other. It was beautiful. Colourful Corals and Tropical fish. I swam to the back of the boat looking down at all the pretty creatures swimming around me.

Once everyone was in we swam down to the sea floor and took photos with all the amazing coral. I was so happy that I did it because it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I swam with the tropical fish and see how lovely the underwater life really is. I could feel the bubbles that I was blowing out of my regulator rushing past my ears. The heat of the sun warming the Pacific Ocean reminded me of a safe place.

I learnt that it is okay to be scared of trying something new, but it won’t always end in a disaster it could be the best thing you have ever done. When amazing opportunities come your way take them with both hands and use them to your advantage.

P.E - Gymnastics 2017

Monday 4th of September
Today I did Floor and Beam. On Floor, we practice forward rolls, cartwheels, and handstands. Then on Beam, we practice sequence 1 which was 'Side mount, 4 dip walks, cat leap, pivot turn, tuck dismount.

Thursday 7th of September
Today I did Beam, Bar, and Parallel Bars. On Beam, we did all sequences. I could do all skills but the forward roll on beam. Next bars I could do a circle up onto the bar but I was too scared to do a back hip circle because I hadn't done it in a while. Then on Parallel Bars, I did the first sequence, then tried to do a forward roll.

Monday 11th of September
Today we did Parallel Bars, Floor, and Trampoline. On Parallel Bars I practice sequence 1. On the trampoline, I could do all 3 sequences easily. Then on Floor, I practice my Roundoff probably.

Thursday 28th of September
Today we performed two events. I did Floor sequence 3 and Trampoline sequences 3.