
Tuesday 5 December 2017

Action Plan Three

Action Plan Three

On Saturday 2nd of December Haylee, Mercedes, Amy, Jazz, Hannah-Mae, Letecia and I did our car wash to fundraise for the Robamd McDonald Hose South Island. We did it at Hornby Primary Carpark on the corner of Waterloo Rd and HeiHei Rd. We started at 12pm and finished 4pm. We raised $50 in total plus teddys and Cans.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Action Plan Two

Action Plan Two

On the 21st of November, we emailed the Ronald McDonald House asking about us coming and visiting the people which live there and ask what they want for Christmas. We got a reply but it wasn't exactly what we wanted. They said we weren't allowed to talk to the people that live there but on Thursday the 23rd of November we could go have a tour around the building and see what it is like there. Because we couldn't talk to them they sent us a wishlist of things that we can maybe get them, mostly gift cards for different things like petrol and prezzy cards. So on Thursday, we will be busing to the Ronald McDonald Hosue via the Hospital for a tour at 11am. 

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Action Plan One

Action Plan One

In Action Plan one we had to talk to Mr Rogers (a teacher at our school) about doing the car wash. Which we wanted to host in the carpark of Hornby High School. After talking to him we decided to do the car wash on the field instead of in the car park. As we wash cars Hannah-Mae's group ( Hannah-Mae Blog) with be selling food and other things to fundraise for the children suffering from long-term illness at the Christchurch hospital. Leticia from my group emailed Mr Rogers on the 20th of November about the car wash he told us that we had to meet up with to talk to him. We also poted a Post on our community website about the price.
 It was $5 for a basic car wash, $10 for a carwash and tyres and it's $15 if you want carwash, tyres and windscreen. 25% of people said $5 car wash, 50% said $10 for a car wash and tyres, and then 25% of people said $15 for a carwash, tyres and windscreen.
But then we had to change what we were doing so we are now doing it at Hornby Primary carpark and Hannah-Mae's is going to do it at another time in a different place but it will still be from 12pm - 4pm on Saturday the 2nd of December. 

Monday 20 November 2017

Drama Tape Role - Dance


I did a lyrical piece to 'Say you Won't let go' by James Arthur. Our pieces had to be no less than a minute long. Mine was a minutes and a half. It was representing love and letting people go. As I performed this dance I use multiple dance moves like pirouette turns, holds, kicks, backward rolls and more. I showed emotion in my moves and how I told the story of my dance. As you can see when I do the hold on the words 'letting go' I fall into a backward roll but as I hold the poses you see the emotion on my face.

Here is my video... 

Thursday 16 November 2017

Ronald McDonald House Action Plan

Ronald McDonald House Action Plan

Action Plan One:
The first thing is we have to talk to Mr Rogers about using the Hornby High School carpark to host a carwash $5 a car while another group sells baking and other things. We need to organise for the 2nd of December. If we are not allowed to do this we will try to find another place to host the carwash. This will need to be done by 22nd of December.
Action Plan Two:

We need to email The Ronald McDonald House asking if we can come visit the patients and families which live there, to play games and talk too about what it is like. We will need to organize transport with our families and parents. If they don't allow us to go there we can fundraise for gifts, books and other things we can give to them to brighten up their day. This needs to be done by Leticia, Jazz, Haylee, their parents and families and I. This also needs to be done by 18th of November.

Action Plan Three:
Do the carwash on the 2nd of December from 12 - 4pm. We will wash the people cars which but the food and gifts which Hannah-Mae and her group are selling. If no one is allowing us to wash their car we can also sell so stuff with Hannah-Mae's group.
Action Plan Four:
Finally, we will go and visit the Ronald McDonald House to read, play games and talk too. We will need to organise transport to the Ronald McDonald House and Organise the things which we take with us to play with, read and more. We will have to organise a time which everyone can go at the same time within their hours. This will be done by Haylee, Leticia, Jazz and I by the 5th of December.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

The Ronald McDonald House Fundraiser

At Hornby High School we are doing project-based learning. We were asked to choose a topic which has a good impact on the community. We got into groups of three or four. My group has Leticia, Haylee, Jasmine and I, we are called the Maccapacca. We chose the topic of 'The Ronald McDonald House'.

The website we use are: - The Ronald McDonald House   - The Ronald McDonald House South Island - The Ronald McDonald House Christchurch - The Ronald McDonald House Volunteer - The Ronald McDonald House Charity

We choose the Ronald McDonald House because not everyone knows why it is there and that it is there. It is there for the Patients and their families which have to leave their homes to get treatment for their illness. As they stay there, they don't get many visitors and it isn't the happiest place to be. We want to fundraise for The Ronald McDonald House by selling chocolate and having a bake sale or a carwash, which all fund will be given to the families and the staff which live and work at The Ronald McDonald House. Then go to The Ronald McDonald House and spend a day with the Patients and Families. We will go and talk to the children and play games and read to them. The want to brighten up there days.

Monday 30 October 2017

Same sex marriage should be allowed in all countries

Love is love, equal rights for all. Gay marriage should be allowed in all countries, Because we are all the same, they didn’t choose to love the same sex, but also adoption rates will go up. Gay Marriage should be allowed in all countries because we are all equal. It doesn’t matter if we are black or white, or like a girl or a boy, we all deserve the same rights and we shouldn’t try to stop them from being happy. No one is perfect, there is no perfect life, we are all the same. So it was switched around and it was wrong to like the opposite sex would you do anything to make it happen? Along with equal rights, they don’t choose to like the same sex. What if you were hanging out with your friends and you realized you like them a little more than you normally do to a friend. You might feel wrong, or disgusted in yourself, but you don’t get to choose, there isn’t a button that you press that makes you like girls or guys. Is there that button out there somewhere? Same-Sex marriage should be allowed because everyone deserves equal rights, they don’t get to choose who they are, and also adoption rates will go up. 135,000 children are put up for adoption in the United States a year. 59% of them are coming out of welfare or foster systems. But if we allow gay marriage the rates will go up, because they may want children, but they can’t have them themselves so they rely on other sources like adopting children. By them adopting children the adoption rates will go up, which will help put all the children in safe and healthy environments and will be able to grow up with people that love and cherish them. Some people might say that it goes against religions to marry the same sex. But like I said earlier if it was switched around and marring the other sex was weird and abnormal, you would feel insecure and want to do something about it. You wouldn’t sit around a feel bad for yourself. You wouldn’t be against it if it was the other way round, would you? This is why I think that gay marriage should be legal in all countries. Because we are all the same, they didn’t choose to love the same sex, but also adoption rates will go up. Are you going to be the one to stop true love?

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Creative Writing #2 Old Buildings should be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Old Buildings should be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Old buildings should be preserved for future generations to learn about their history, see how they lived and to be able to experience what it was like back in the olden days.

At our age, we can go to museums and see how people lived or what life was like years before ours. But if they destroy them, or leave them to rot, and deteriorate, that is not how they lived and it doesn’t show what life was like for the people back then.
Like I just said just before when you go to old building or museums you get to see how people back before our life lived and work and that helps us learn and respect what we have now. If we don’t keep our old building there will be no way of the generations after us to see how we lived.

Finally, along with the education in which the buildings hold about how we live, it also holds the key to the future generations to experience life before their own. When you go to an old building you get the sense of how the people live, play, work and other things. You sometimes get to even try live like that and realize how hard it was for them compared to yourself.

So we should keep old buildings for the future generations to help them learn and see how we lived and be able to experience what it was like in our age in time.

Friday 29 September 2017

Creative Writing

Screenshot 2017-09-27 at 13.47.40.png

Drugs shouldn’t be allowed in Sports?

Drugs shouldn’t be allowed in sports. It causes people to increase their skills but also can have bad side-effects, people can become addicted to the drug they are taking, and if someone who isn’t taking it would have fewer chances since all the other people senses will be increased by the drugs.

Yes, it increases the skill level of the contestants that are participating in the sport, eg. Athletics. But when people take the drugs they can have side-effects. They use Anabolic Steroids, Erythropoietin, and more. The side-effects of some of those are vomiting, skin rash, Hair loss, Liver, Kidney and Heart Disease, and more.
People can get addicted to these Drugs the same as getting addicted to Cigarettes. If you are addicted to Anabolic Steroids it could result in loss of appetite, mood swings, depression and more. Sometimes the depression leads to suicide attempts.

When you use Anabolic Steroids it increases your muscle mass and strength. That is unfair for others who are not using drugs that enhance their skills and are using the skills they trained and we born with.

That is why Drugs shouldn’t be allowed in Sports. Because it can have bad side-effects, people can become addicted to the drug they are taking, and if someone who isn’t taking it would have fewer chances since all the other people senses will be increased by the drugs.

Thursday 7 September 2017

English - Scuba Diving in Fiji

Image result for fiji plantation island diving
Scuba Diving in Fiji

I was sitting on the edge of the boat, ready to throw myself back into the unknown. Ready to face a big challenge. I could see the vast, blue ocean stretched out in front of me. I was waiting for the sign to go. I was shaking, letting my thoughts get to me, about every bad thing that could happen. On a boat full of Fijian professional Scuba instructors, I could hear the wave crashing against the boat making it sway from side to side with the mumbling of the Fijian trying to tell us what to do when we are in the water.
I thought about it, what if I landed on a fish or there is a shark in the water or a sting ray. I was shaking, worrying about what I had got myself into. I felt the water splashing up against my face as I sat looking into the water praying nothing bad happens.

I put the regulator in my mouth and breathed in the compressed air which tastes funny. I was sitting about to fall in breathing heavily into the regulator looking at the instructor telling me what to do. I thought of backing out but I knew if I did I would regret straight away, missing out on a once in a lifetime view of the underwater life, I told myself I would do it.

Splash! I hit the water with a thud, I panicked and stop breathing for a moment, looking around to see where I was. My heart was beating as fast as lightning. I could see for over 30 metres ahead of me in the distance colours flashing past each other. It was beautiful. Colourful Corals and Tropical fish. I swam to the back of the boat looking down at all the pretty creatures swimming around me.

Once everyone was in we swam down to the sea floor and took photos with all the amazing coral. I was so happy that I did it because it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I swam with the tropical fish and see how lovely the underwater life really is. I could feel the bubbles that I was blowing out of my regulator rushing past my ears. The heat of the sun warming the Pacific Ocean reminded me of a safe place.

I learnt that it is okay to be scared of trying something new, but it won’t always end in a disaster it could be the best thing you have ever done. When amazing opportunities come your way take them with both hands and use them to your advantage.

P.E - Gymnastics 2017

Monday 4th of September
Today I did Floor and Beam. On Floor, we practice forward rolls, cartwheels, and handstands. Then on Beam, we practice sequence 1 which was 'Side mount, 4 dip walks, cat leap, pivot turn, tuck dismount.

Thursday 7th of September
Today I did Beam, Bar, and Parallel Bars. On Beam, we did all sequences. I could do all skills but the forward roll on beam. Next bars I could do a circle up onto the bar but I was too scared to do a back hip circle because I hadn't done it in a while. Then on Parallel Bars, I did the first sequence, then tried to do a forward roll.

Monday 11th of September
Today we did Parallel Bars, Floor, and Trampoline. On Parallel Bars I practice sequence 1. On the trampoline, I could do all 3 sequences easily. Then on Floor, I practice my Roundoff probably.

Thursday 28th of September
Today we performed two events. I did Floor sequence 3 and Trampoline sequences 3.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Written Assessment Essay


In this essay of ‘The Outsiders’ I am writing about important relationships within the written text, and explaining how they had a positive or negative influence on other characters. The important relationships in ‘The Outsiders’  I am writing about are Darry and Ponyboy, Dally and Johnny, Ponyboy and Johnny and Sodapop, Darry and Ponyboy.

The first relationship I will be writing about is Darry and Ponyboy. Darry and Ponyboy were brothers, Darry was the oldest of three and Ponyboy was the youngest. Ponyboy and Darry would get into fights with each other over what Ponyboy was doing. Darry was overprotective of Ponyboy in Ponyboy’s mind and Ponyboy didn’t use his head in Darry’s mind. One night when Johnny and Ponyboy were out at the vacant lot watching the stars, Johnny and Ponyboy fell asleep, they didn’t wake up until 3am the next morning, when they did Ponyboy rushed home and tried sneaking in the house. Darry was sitting on the couch waiting for him. Darry became enraged as Ponyboy told him he had fallen asleep in the vacant lot with Johnny. At that moment Darry hit Ponyboy. After Darry realising what he did he apologised profusely, but Ponyboy ran out the door back to see if Johnny was still there. After Darry hits Ponyboy, Ponyboy ran  away with Johnny.  Johnny had murdered Bob, one of the Soc and he didn’t want to go to jail.  This had a negative influence because Ponyboy already thought Darry didn’t like him, but to Ponyboy this proved it. Darry hitting him pushed him over the edge. Ponyboy had decided that the best thing for him to do was run away, with the help of Johnny and Dallas. S.E Hinton did this to show the audience that people can do things they don’t mean in the spear of the moment and regret it straight away. Darry did as was shown and he became upset with himself because no one had hit anyone in their family before. When Ponyboy ran away he became scared for Ponyboy’s safety. Darry and Ponyboy’s relationship was a long fight which carried on for a while. People do things they don’t mean just because they were worried or scared. Darry and Ponyboy like most siblings fight, but always will come together when they need each other. They love and couldn’t live without each other. This reminded me of when in ‘Kanin’ by Amanda Hocking when Bryn left Doldam after being sentenced for treason, she missed Ridley a lot while she was on the run and all she wanted to do was call him even though they were angry at each other and didn’t want to talk.

Another relationship in ‘The Outsiders’ what I thought had a negative influence on another character was Johnny and Dally. Dally and Johnny were members of the gang. Johnny lived with his mother and his father but he had a bad life. Dally loved Johnny and Johnny was the only thing Dally loved in the world. Dally helped Johnny and Ponyboy run away after Johnny murder the Soc and kept the police away from them. One day Dally went and visited Johnny and Ponyboy, they had been staying in an abandoned church in Windrixville. They went down to the local Dairy Queen and when they came back to the church in was set ablaze. There was a bunch of young school children in front of the church counting to check if they had all the children. Ponyboy and Johnny could hear children’s screams coming from inside the burning church. The jumped through a window and saved them. When they were escaping the roof collapsed on top of Johnny and a couple weeks later he died in hospital. Dally lost the only thing in the world he loved and he robbed a convenience store. The police shot him because they through he was armed, the greaser knew that was what he wanted to died. Dally and Johnny had an interesting relationship, because you didn’t know they relationship was that strong until Dally chose to die to be with him. Johnny’s death had a negative influence on Dally because in the end he died to be with Johnny because he couldn’t live without him. S.E Hinton did this to show the strong connection between Dally and Johnny even though they weren’t brothers, Dally was like Johnny’s older brother. It showed that even if you think they are hard as rocks and only care about themselves, they don’t. They care about others as much as themselves maybe more it is just a shield to cover what is inside.

As well as Johnny and Dally and Ponyboy and Darry. Another important relationship that has an influence on another character was Ponyboy and Johnny. After Darry slapped Ponyboy he ran back to the vacant lot where Johnny was lying on the ground watching the stars. They went for a walk to calm Ponyboy down before he went back home. As they were walking through the park a blue Mustang pulled up and a group of Soc jumped out, they were drunk. One grabbed Ponyboy and started to drown him in the fountain. As this was going on Johnny had stabbed a Soc named Bob which had killed him. After Johnny stabbed Bob the rest of the Soc felled in the blue Mustang. When Ponyboy came too they decided to run away with help from Dally. Ponyboy and Johnny’s relationship was strong because Ponyboy left his brothers and friends behind to go with Johnny and keep him safe. Ponyboy didn’t want Johnny to go to jail and rot in a cell. So Ponyboy and Johnny ran away to Windrixville. This had a large influence on Ponyboy because they had decided to run away instead of confessing to the police. The purpose of this was to allow the audience to see the connection between them and how much they loved each other and how Ponyboy didn’t want Johnny to go to jail like Dally did and end up like him. This reminded me of when Ridley and Thalia left Doldam secretly to find Bryn and make sure she was okay. The could of stayed and just hoped for the best but the rest the lives trying to escape and find Bryn.

Lastly the final important relationship I am going to write about that had an influence on another character was Sodapop, Darry and Ponyboy. Ponyboy, Sodapop and Darry were brothers. Ponyboy was the youngest, Sodapop was the middle child and Darry was the oldest. Darry and Ponyboy would get into lots of fight and Sodapop would get caught up in the middle of them. He would back Darry and Ponyboy because they were both right but both wrong in his opinion. Darry looked after Ponyboy and Sodapop. He would make sure Ponyboy was getting good grades and Sodapop went to work, he was like their dad. S.E Hinton did this to show that when people fight sometimes people get caught up in the middle of them and they don’t like it. They try there best but it is hard to keep everyone happy and keep yourself while everyone is fighting. This reminded me of when parents fight. They might not realise but it hurts the people around them not just them. It could hurt your family, friends and yourself. Like what I said in the first paragraph about Darry and Ponyboy they fight like all siblings do, but they always will love each other.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Drama Performance

High School Musical

What we did:
Scarlet, Shar and Shawn played 'Breaking Free' on Piano, Ukulele and Guitar. 
Then Haylee, Bella, Ruth, Kingston, Tim and Tyler danced to 'We're all in this Together'. 

People Involved:
  • Haylee
  • Bella
  • Ruth
  • Tim 
  • Kingston
  • Tyler
  • Shar
  • Scarlet
  • Shawn
Haylee and Bella Choreographed 'We're all in this Together' written by Robbie Neil and Mathew Gerrard. 
Haylee also did Makeup and hair for the performers. 

We are happy with the performance/two scene. There were a couple mistakes (Ruth falling over Tyler and girls become overcome by fits of laughter while performing). We would change some of the choreographing to make it easier for the guys and make it look more rehearsed then it did. But we did enjoy ourselves, and that is the only ting that matters. 

Video of our Performance:

Thursday 29 June 2017

Seasons Poem

Seasons Poem

looks like flowers blooming as the sun rises.
Spring tastes like sweet nectar.
Spring smells like fresh flowers.
Spring feels like long fresh grass between my toes.
Spring sounds like birds tweeting up in the trees.

Summer looks like children playing in the water.
Summer tastes like salt water.
Summer smells like BBQ on the beach.
Summer feels like the heat of the sun on my back.
Summer sounds like children talking as the play in the water.

Autumn looks like a colourful rainbow.
Autumn tastes like baking.
Autumn smells like pumpkin spice latte.
Autumn feels like leaves crackling beneath my feet.
Autumn sounds like children jumping into piles of leaves.

Winter looks like snow on the ground.
Winter tastes like hot chocolates on a cold winter's night.
Winter smells like soup.
Winter feels like the warmth of the fire heating the house.

Winter sounds like children playing in the snow.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Outsiders Newspaper Article

Image result for outsiders fire


Kills gone heroes after a devastating fire.
Start story here:
Two boys being done for murder have become local heroes. At 12pm yesterday afternoon Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade who are being done for murdering local boy Bob Sheldon, were hiding in the old abandoned church on top of Jay mountain went to the local Dairy Queen for a meal and when they came back the church was up in flames. Ponyboy said to use when we asked what was going through his mind when he saw the church ‘I thought I have to save those kids.’ They could see a group of school age students and two teachers taking a role and looking for student which were missing. He jumped out of there car with a local man named Dallas Winston driving, then Johnny jumped out of the car and followed Ponyboy to the church. A school teacher tried stopping them but Ponyboy and Johnny wouldn’t take no for an answer. The broke open a window which was originally boarded up, jumped through and went looking for the children which they heard the school teacher saying ‘that they might be in the church’ Ponyboy said “they could hear children screaming inside the building”. Dallas Winston was now out of the car shouting into the church at Johnny and Ponyboy telling them to get out and not to save the children. Then the school teacher said he heard and then saw Dallas pulling a window apart to make a gap to get the children out of the church. Then Ponyboy and Johnny started to pass to Dallas children then running back inside and to get the rest of the children that were inside. Then Ponyboy was pulled through the gap, while Dallas yelling and Warning Ponyboy and Johnny that ‘the roof was collapsing onto of them and that they need to get out’. When Ponyboy came out of the window was on fire so Dallas hit him on the back. “I must have hit him harder then I thought because he went out cold.” But Johnny didn’t get out in time and the roof collapsed on him. He is now in an unstable condition.

Friday 26 May 2017


1. What is the name of the novel?  The Outsiders
2. Who is the author? S.E Hinton
3. Where is the novel set? America
4. When is the novel set? 1967
5. Who are the characters in the novel? Tim, Ponyboy, Darry, Dally, Sodapop, Two-bit, Sandy, Maria, Cherrie, Johnny, Bob, Randy, Ponyboy’s mum, Ponyboy’s dad, Jerry, Mr Syme and Steve.
6. What are some of the ideas/themes in the novel? Gangs, conflicts.
7. What are the conflicts within the novel? Conflict between Darry and Ponyboy.
8. What could have been some solutions for each of the conflicts you have picked?
Darry and Ponyboy: Ponyboy respecting Darry and Darry talking and going easy on Ponyboy.

1. Name the Greasers gang members and two other female characters.
  • Ponyboy, Darry, Dally, Sodapop, Johnny, Steve, Two-bit, Cherrie and Marica.
2. Which character do you like the most and explain why?
  • Johnny because he is nice and caring and according to my friends like me?? He is caring to his friends and trustworthy.
3. List some of the character traits of your favourite character that appeal to you?
  • Johnny, him being nice, caring, friendly and her is a loving person.
4. What character do you not like, and explain why?
  • I like all characters
5. If you could invent a new character what would be their name?
  • Lucas Andrews
6. What would their looks and personality be like?
He would be a dark and mysterious but find out he was friendly and creative.
7. How old were Ponyboy and Johnny?
Ponyboy: 14 years old
Johnny: 16 years old
8. Why did Dallas want to die at the end of the book?
Because the only thing he cared about was gone, eg. Johnny, so he broke.
9. Why did Cherry Valance not want to talk to Ponyboy if they saw each other at
Because he had something to do with her boyfriend's death and she couldn’t look at him without imagining Bob dying.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Compare and Contrast Grease the movie with Grease:Live

Compare Grease the Movie with Grease:Live

I am writing about the differences between Grease and Grease:Live. One of the main differences was that Grease and Grease live was Grease was made in 1978 but Grease:Live was and in 2016 and Grease:Live was live, and the original wasn't. Some of the difference I am going to talk about Sandy, cheer leading and T birds.

 One of the changes was to do with Sandy, there were a couple to Sandy one was with her name, in the original movie she was from Australian, but in Grease:live Sandy is American because she couldn't mange with Grease:live and getting an Australian too. Also Sandy last name is Olsen but in Grease:live it is Young. 

Cheer leading had a couple difference from original movie and Grease:live, in the Original movie they didn't have cheer leading tryouts but in Grease:live Sandy gets to tryout against Patty. Also there are male cheer leaders in Grease:live but not in original grease.

Finally there were changes in the T birds, one was that Eugene helps the boys in the race and help them win, this results in Eugene becoming a T bird and reserving Danny's jacket. 

Tuesday 23 May 2017

My Best Film Essay on 'The Power of One'

My Best Film Essay

In the film ‘The Power of One’ the director John .G. Avildsen used facial expressions to show the impact on the victim in the scene. In the scene when the boys bring P.K into a room where they kill his chicken. When P.K is brought into the room you can see the his sadness when the sentence his ‘Kafka chicken to death’. This showed the impact of P.K watching his chicken be killed by Botha. You see how upset he is and angry with Botha which is why he pushes Botha over onto the flag. The director purpose was to show the impact and how P.K felt when he was made to watch his chicken die. It made us have a connection with P.K and feel bad for him.  The facial showed the upset and how ‘the lonely birds came back’. Facial expression combined with camera angles like close ups help us get more of a feeling than a long shot. It would be better to do a close up on P.K’s face as shown to let us see clearly how he felt and how much it hurt him. This reminds me of when P.K when Maria died and the director used facial expressions to see how devastated P.K was when maria died. This was shown through the look on P.K’s face and a close up was used to see his emotions and facial expression clearly.

In the film the director also used with facial expressions camera shots like close ups as mention in the last paragraph.In the scene when P.K is lying in bed pretending to be sleeping and one of the caregivers came in and told him his mother had died, the director used a closeup on his face to see this emotion. The impact was shown when P.K lying there after the caregiver tell him thinking he was asleep that his mother had died. In the darkness the director used a close up to see how he felt after hearing the bad news. The director did this to see how P.K felt after already not liking it at the school his mother dying while he was away. This made us as the audience feel bad and upset that P.K had to go through this at a young age. With camera shots you can combined them with lighting. The lighting made it seem like night and they were meant to be asleep. The lighting made it seem sadder because it was a sad moment for P.K. This reminds me of when Geel piet and Sergeant Boorman scene when Geel Piet had to eat poop off Sergeant Boorman’s shoe. They used a close up to show Geel Piet eating the poop off his shoe and how he had to do it. It made the audience feel for him because if he didn’t he would be beaten.

In the film the director also used with facial expressions camera shots like close ups as mention in the last paragraph. In the scene when P.K is lying in bed pretending to be sleeping and one of the caregivers came in and told him his mother had died, the director used a closeup on his face to see this emotion. The impact was shown when P.K lying there after the caregiver tell him thinking he was asleep that his mother had died. In the darkness the director used a close up to see how he felt after hearing the bad news. The director did this to see how P.K felt after already not liking it at the school his mother dying while he was away. This made us as the audience feel bad and upset that P.K had to go through this at a young age. With camera shots you can combined them with lighting. The lighting made it seem like night and they were meant to be asleep. The lighting made it seem sadder because it was a sad moment for P.K. This reminds me of when Geel piet and Sergeant Boorman scene when Geel Piet had to eat poop off Sergeant Boorman’s shoe. They used a close up to show Geel Piet eating the poop off his shoe and how he had to do it. It made the audience feel for him because if he didn’t he would be beaten.

Another important technique used was lighting which was mention in the last paragraph. This was used in the scene when one of the caregivers hit Botha across the face and there is lightning on one half of his face and the other doesn’t it. The impact was shown by the lighting giving a mysterious look to Botha and how he was disappointed in what he did not ashamed. This showed the audience how mean and nasty Botha is. The director did this to show the true Botha and how he would do it again if he had the chance and that he was going to blame it on P.K and that is was his fault. When lighting is combined with dialogue it can make the scene even better. When Botha gets hit across the face the caregiver says in Afrikaans you moron. Which showed that he wasn’t impressed with what they or Botha was doing.

In the film the director also used symbolism. One of the symbols were a ostrich bracelet which was very important because it was passed down from P.K’s father to his mother than from his mother to P.K and then P.K gave the bracelet to Maria. The bracelet was a symbols of love and how P.K loved Maria and P.K loved his mother and his mother loved his father. This made an impact shown through symbolism because it was repeated. At the beginning of the mother it was expanded to the audience how important the bracelet was and then when  it was passed down it went through 2 generations. The director used this to show the connection between the characters and how they love each other and they all needed each other. This helped us see how much they loved each other.

Other Essay

In the film ‘The Power of One’ shows us lots of amazing life experiences, which P.K goes through. In the film the director used visual and oral text to show this. I am writing on a character which I think is important to me and reveals to me in the text. I have chosen Maria because she is a wonderful character and has an important role in the film. Throughout the film she becomes connected to P.K and they fall in love which is shown by P.K going to see Maria at her house, P.K giving Maria his Ostrich bracelet and when they are teaching the people to teach others.

1S. Firstly this is one of the reasons why I choose Maria.
E. P.K wanted to see Maria but Maria was banned from seeing P.K so one night P.K climbed up the fence which was lying against the side of Maria’s house which led up to the window he secretly meet up with her. This was because he wanted to see Maria because he loved her and wanted to make sure Maria was okay.
X. This made us feel the love between Maria and P.K and how they are going to change South Africa together.
X. The director did this to show the connection between Maria and P.K and how they need each other and can’t live without each other.
X. This was shown well with dialogue because she was excited but nervous to see P.K because she didn’t want to get caught and they almost were.
Y. This was like a scene in Romeo and Juliet when Romeo goes and visits Juliet even though he knew if he got caught he could die and wouldn’t see Juliet again.

2 S&E. With P.K sneaking to Maria’s, later on P.K gave Maria a special ostrich bracelet which symbolised the connection between Maria and P.K, which was passed down from P.K’s dad to his mum, then from his mum to him and know to Maria.
X. This showed to connection and the love between them which had been created and the fire inside which would never go out for each other.
X. The director did this to show the audience the love and connection between Maria and P.K. This made the audience feel and see the love between Maria and P.K.
X. This worked well with symbolism because the ostrich bracelet was a symbol of love which was shown in this scene in ‘The Power of One’.
Y. This reminded me of when P.K’s mother have it to P.K when he had to go to boarding school when she was sick.

3S. The last reason why I think Maria is a great character which reveals to me is because ...
E. when she died she was trying to teach the Africans to read and write so they can teach other but the police came in and attacked them and hit Maria over the head with a baton which killed her instantly.
X. This made me feel my heart drop because we could see how devastated P.K was when he saw Maria lying on the ground dead.
X. The director did this to show how P.K’s heart was broken again and the connection between and how strong it was.
X. This went well with dialogue because after P.K says that ‘The lonely birds returned’ Which showed that he had lost everyone he loved.
Y . This reminded me of when his mother died and he felt the lonely birds then and now.

This is why I choose Maria as my character which revealed to me throughout the film. Like when P.K went to she her because he hadn’t seen her for a couple of days, P.K gave Maria the ostrich bracelet and when Maria dies. This is why Maria was an amazing character in ‘The Power of One’ to write about her connection with P.K and the way it was shown.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Why Triangles are important in building and construction?

Why Triangles are important in building and construction?

Triangles are important because you can use different materials to tension or compressed. When you build a house there are triangles in the roof which help the wind go over the roof easily. Also when you put pressure on the top of the triangle the sides of the triangles compress and the bottom of it tensions. 
When you use tension you tension the material eg rope, fabric etc. would tension and would try to pull apart so when you cut it the rope or fabric would pull back to where it was bolted in. 
But when you want to use compression is when you put support on a platform which is made out of materials eg wood, metal, etc. would compress so when it was cut it would go past each other. 

Image result for tension  an image of tension.

Image result for compression an image of compression.