
Thursday 29 June 2017

Seasons Poem

Seasons Poem

looks like flowers blooming as the sun rises.
Spring tastes like sweet nectar.
Spring smells like fresh flowers.
Spring feels like long fresh grass between my toes.
Spring sounds like birds tweeting up in the trees.

Summer looks like children playing in the water.
Summer tastes like salt water.
Summer smells like BBQ on the beach.
Summer feels like the heat of the sun on my back.
Summer sounds like children talking as the play in the water.

Autumn looks like a colourful rainbow.
Autumn tastes like baking.
Autumn smells like pumpkin spice latte.
Autumn feels like leaves crackling beneath my feet.
Autumn sounds like children jumping into piles of leaves.

Winter looks like snow on the ground.
Winter tastes like hot chocolates on a cold winter's night.
Winter smells like soup.
Winter feels like the warmth of the fire heating the house.

Winter sounds like children playing in the snow.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Outsiders Newspaper Article

Image result for outsiders fire


Kills gone heroes after a devastating fire.
Start story here:
Two boys being done for murder have become local heroes. At 12pm yesterday afternoon Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade who are being done for murdering local boy Bob Sheldon, were hiding in the old abandoned church on top of Jay mountain went to the local Dairy Queen for a meal and when they came back the church was up in flames. Ponyboy said to use when we asked what was going through his mind when he saw the church ‘I thought I have to save those kids.’ They could see a group of school age students and two teachers taking a role and looking for student which were missing. He jumped out of there car with a local man named Dallas Winston driving, then Johnny jumped out of the car and followed Ponyboy to the church. A school teacher tried stopping them but Ponyboy and Johnny wouldn’t take no for an answer. The broke open a window which was originally boarded up, jumped through and went looking for the children which they heard the school teacher saying ‘that they might be in the church’ Ponyboy said “they could hear children screaming inside the building”. Dallas Winston was now out of the car shouting into the church at Johnny and Ponyboy telling them to get out and not to save the children. Then the school teacher said he heard and then saw Dallas pulling a window apart to make a gap to get the children out of the church. Then Ponyboy and Johnny started to pass to Dallas children then running back inside and to get the rest of the children that were inside. Then Ponyboy was pulled through the gap, while Dallas yelling and Warning Ponyboy and Johnny that ‘the roof was collapsing onto of them and that they need to get out’. When Ponyboy came out of the window was on fire so Dallas hit him on the back. “I must have hit him harder then I thought because he went out cold.” But Johnny didn’t get out in time and the roof collapsed on him. He is now in an unstable condition.