
Friday 15 February 2019

English Children of Men

  1. What message does this film relay about immigration and xenophobia?
  2. What effect does Cuarón’s use of long takes have in the scenes where this filming technique is used?
  3. How plausible is the future world depicted in Children of Men?
  4. How has the lack of children changed society?
  5. What role does religion play in the film?
  6. Luke is consistently portrayed as the "bad guy" throughout the film. Is he sincerely a bad person? Why or why not?
  7. How was a totalitarian government able to emerge in the wake of the infertility crisis in Britain?
  8. How does Kee develop over the course of the film?
  9. How does Theo develop over the course of the film?

Question One:
In regards to illegal Immigration, because of what happened with society people are more likely to have xenophobia because they aren’t able to interact with from other countries.

Question Two:
By having longer takes it gives off the sense of how long has passed. It also helps set the pace of the movie and helps us understand what it would be like to follow Theo around throughout the movie.

Question Three:
It could happen but not as soon as they have said. As we have passed the moment in time where this happened and as we have not reached the level of chaos.

Question Four:
The lack of children has changed society heavily it has gone from a place of love and happiness to a place where they are not worried about the children or themselves living.

Question Five:
Religion plays a high role in this film because the movie is based off London hating immigrants and sending refugees to Bexhill which is a camp for refugees that is disgusting, full of rubbish and the population is so high at the camp.

Question Six:
Luke is not a bad guy he just didn’t have the same views as some of the others. He believed what he was doing was for the best. But once he saw the baby he realised what he thought was right actually isn’t. He changed his mind which people do.

Question Seven:
In the wake of the infertility crisis in Britain, the totalitarian government was able to emerge because they “needed” someone who “Knew” how to solve the issue but only ended up causing bigger problems for the country. They also started supplying people with Kill switch kits (Suicide kits) and clean and fresh resources making them more popular with the British people.

Question Eight:
Throughout the film, Kee developed a lot she went from a person who didn't care about anyone. To someone who cares about everyone and loves her baby, she didn't want to hand the baby over to the government because she was worried to lose her

Question Nine:

Theo develops over the course of the movie and goes from an alcoholic who couldn't care less, to someone who would protect the life of 2 people he loves and cares about even if it meant risking and losing his own.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Action Plan Three

Action Plan Three

On Saturday 2nd of December Haylee, Mercedes, Amy, Jazz, Hannah-Mae, Letecia and I did our car wash to fundraise for the Robamd McDonald Hose South Island. We did it at Hornby Primary Carpark on the corner of Waterloo Rd and HeiHei Rd. We started at 12pm and finished 4pm. We raised $50 in total plus teddys and Cans.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Action Plan Two

Action Plan Two

On the 21st of November, we emailed the Ronald McDonald House asking about us coming and visiting the people which live there and ask what they want for Christmas. We got a reply but it wasn't exactly what we wanted. They said we weren't allowed to talk to the people that live there but on Thursday the 23rd of November we could go have a tour around the building and see what it is like there. Because we couldn't talk to them they sent us a wishlist of things that we can maybe get them, mostly gift cards for different things like petrol and prezzy cards. So on Thursday, we will be busing to the Ronald McDonald Hosue via the Hospital for a tour at 11am. 

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Action Plan One

Action Plan One

In Action Plan one we had to talk to Mr Rogers (a teacher at our school) about doing the car wash. Which we wanted to host in the carpark of Hornby High School. After talking to him we decided to do the car wash on the field instead of in the car park. As we wash cars Hannah-Mae's group ( Hannah-Mae Blog) with be selling food and other things to fundraise for the children suffering from long-term illness at the Christchurch hospital. Leticia from my group emailed Mr Rogers on the 20th of November about the car wash he told us that we had to meet up with to talk to him. We also poted a Post on our community website about the price.
 It was $5 for a basic car wash, $10 for a carwash and tyres and it's $15 if you want carwash, tyres and windscreen. 25% of people said $5 car wash, 50% said $10 for a car wash and tyres, and then 25% of people said $15 for a carwash, tyres and windscreen.
But then we had to change what we were doing so we are now doing it at Hornby Primary carpark and Hannah-Mae's is going to do it at another time in a different place but it will still be from 12pm - 4pm on Saturday the 2nd of December. 

Monday 20 November 2017

Drama Tape Role - Dance


I did a lyrical piece to 'Say you Won't let go' by James Arthur. Our pieces had to be no less than a minute long. Mine was a minutes and a half. It was representing love and letting people go. As I performed this dance I use multiple dance moves like pirouette turns, holds, kicks, backward rolls and more. I showed emotion in my moves and how I told the story of my dance. As you can see when I do the hold on the words 'letting go' I fall into a backward roll but as I hold the poses you see the emotion on my face.

Here is my video... 

Thursday 16 November 2017

Ronald McDonald House Action Plan

Ronald McDonald House Action Plan

Action Plan One:
The first thing is we have to talk to Mr Rogers about using the Hornby High School carpark to host a carwash $5 a car while another group sells baking and other things. We need to organise for the 2nd of December. If we are not allowed to do this we will try to find another place to host the carwash. This will need to be done by 22nd of December.
Action Plan Two:

We need to email The Ronald McDonald House asking if we can come visit the patients and families which live there, to play games and talk too about what it is like. We will need to organize transport with our families and parents. If they don't allow us to go there we can fundraise for gifts, books and other things we can give to them to brighten up their day. This needs to be done by Leticia, Jazz, Haylee, their parents and families and I. This also needs to be done by 18th of November.

Action Plan Three:
Do the carwash on the 2nd of December from 12 - 4pm. We will wash the people cars which but the food and gifts which Hannah-Mae and her group are selling. If no one is allowing us to wash their car we can also sell so stuff with Hannah-Mae's group.
Action Plan Four:
Finally, we will go and visit the Ronald McDonald House to read, play games and talk too. We will need to organise transport to the Ronald McDonald House and Organise the things which we take with us to play with, read and more. We will have to organise a time which everyone can go at the same time within their hours. This will be done by Haylee, Leticia, Jazz and I by the 5th of December.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

The Ronald McDonald House Fundraiser

At Hornby High School we are doing project-based learning. We were asked to choose a topic which has a good impact on the community. We got into groups of three or four. My group has Leticia, Haylee, Jasmine and I, we are called the Maccapacca. We chose the topic of 'The Ronald McDonald House'.

The website we use are: - The Ronald McDonald House   - The Ronald McDonald House South Island - The Ronald McDonald House Christchurch - The Ronald McDonald House Volunteer - The Ronald McDonald House Charity

We choose the Ronald McDonald House because not everyone knows why it is there and that it is there. It is there for the Patients and their families which have to leave their homes to get treatment for their illness. As they stay there, they don't get many visitors and it isn't the happiest place to be. We want to fundraise for The Ronald McDonald House by selling chocolate and having a bake sale or a carwash, which all fund will be given to the families and the staff which live and work at The Ronald McDonald House. Then go to The Ronald McDonald House and spend a day with the Patients and Families. We will go and talk to the children and play games and read to them. The want to brighten up there days.